Sunday, 20 January 2013

A post for Vivi :)

First of all,
Vivi,aku nak mintak maaf atas kelewatan ini.
Jadi,ini aku ada beri sedikit hadiah.
Walaupun tidak seberapa.
Anggaplah ia sebagai hadiah dari kawan baik.  ^^

Aku post ini sebagai status aku di Facebook.
And Alhamdulillah,ramai kawan² and my Anje support aku.
Happy Birthday Vivi.

So,Vivi . I'm really² sorry.
Walaupun ini semua tidak seberapa.
Aku harap kau suka,
Hey,stay awesome and cool like you always do.
Good luck in everything you do. 

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Untuk SeOrang Ahh Moii . . :p

Post ini dikarang khas untuk membalas kata²
manis Ahh Moii ni.  ;D

It's started
someone asked her to describe me on
She replied,

Lalu blushinglah diri ini sorang² . . .
But,dia mintak aku balas description ni.
Dia suruh aku describe dia pulak.
So,biasalah . .
Lembu berpegang pada talinya,
manusia berpegang pada janjinya lah kan?
Aku tak nak jadi lembu.
korang nak? xD
so,tepatilah janji yang dibuat . .. 


Nama penuh kau,
Norlin Izzati Md Sani (Thanks Anje)
So . .sama jugak,mana datang nyerr Mei Lynn tu? =,=
Kau Facebook friend aku since April 2011,
First wall post kau kat aku pada 28th July of 2011.
On my birthday kott. .  >.<
First impression,woahh . . muka chinese . :O
Alim. . baik . .
Kau antara orang yang percayakan aku.
Percayakan kebolehan mendengar dan menasihati aku.
Thanks a lot.  xD

Then yang aku respect pasal kau,
Kau kuat,sabar,tough dan semua yang sama makna dengannya.
Kau juga agak determine,cuma kadang² kau rasa insecure
terhadap apa yang kau percaya.
Macam selalu kau dengar.
"Just believe in faith"
Yeahh,betul la tu.
Best feature of you is your tenderness.
Yeah,aku perasan benda itu bila kau luahkan,
kau curahkan problem kau kat aku.
Sense of tenderness kau sangat tinggi Mei. :)
And yes,you have a quite cute looking. 
Tapi tak boleh kalahkan A'are laa.  xD
Ada jer SA yang sedang mengusharr kau aku rasa. .  :D
And kau pun tak kurang mesranya,banyak tweet kau kat TL aku dengan
ramai orang,cause kau kan kurang memilih kalau kawan ni . .
kan???  =3
Kau suka pink,
aku tahu. . .  :p

Jadi . .
Itu sahaja kot,
Thanks sebab percayakan aku,
"si pendengar"
InsyaAllah kalau kau ada apa²masalah,
aku sedia membantu,selagi aku mampu. :D
Mei Lynn,good luck with your life.
Stay Awesome.

Wee ~

Does evil exist?

Before i tell you any further about
this post.
I would like to ask you a question.

Yes,for us who are Muslimin and Muslimah will say.
We believe the existence of
our GOD

So,i've watched a video,
entitled "Does God Exist ? Albert eistein"

On this video,
a prof want to prove that 

So he start with his first point,
The prof stated that,
"God crated everything in this world.
He's the one who created the evil.
so God is evil."

Then a student stood up and asked a question.

Student :
Sir,does cold exist sir?

The Prof : 
What kind of question is this?
Of course it exists.
Have you never been cold?

Student :
In fact sir,cold does not exist.
According to the law of physics,
what we consider cold i actually the absence of heat.
Professor,does darkness exist?

The prof :
Of course it does.

Student :
You are wrong sir,
darkness does not exist either.
Darkness is actually the absence of light.
We study about light,but not darkness.
Showing that darkness does not exist as we cannot study it.

Lastly,the student said

"Evil does not exist.
It is just like darkness and cold.
God did not create evil.
Evil occur when man does not love his
God,his creator.
Evil come when good absent"

So,my conclusion is . . .

We are the one
who create EVIL.
Let's be a better person.
Better from yesterday,
better for tomorrow.

Assalamualaikum . . . 

p/s : That student might be Albert Enstein when he was young.